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The logo for Family Support

Family Support at Halesbury School

Family Support at Halesbury School is a service which wants to empower parents, carers and families of those children who have additional needs.

As a school we recognise that it is a difficult journey when faced with raising a child with additional needs. We offer support and guidance to empower families to achieve great things.

There are many aspects of Family support, from a drop in for a coffee and chat to supporting in the Early Help process, which is a shared support network across a wide variety of services in Dudley.

The family Support Managers role is to work with families to support sign posting, engagement and to work with agencies in Dudley to enable the best for Families of Halesbury School.

Family Support also provide opportunities for parents/carers to support each other in our workshops, family learning and innovative projects in school.

Family Support also provide Training and Workshops such as Early Bird Plus (Autism Awareness Course) and Teen Life (Autism Course for parents/Carers of Teenagers).

Family Support is here when you need us, and when you don’t!

If you have any further questions regarding Family Support at Halesbury School, please do not hesitate to contact Claire Dutton via telephone, 01384 818630, or email ctombs@halesbury.dudley.sch.uk

Family Support Manager – Mrs. Claire Dutton

Upcoming Events

Parent Activities and Coffee Mornings.
Email familysupport@halesbury.dudley.sch.uk or call 01384813762 I 01384818738 to request a space.

  • Occupational Therapy Coffee Morning - 22/ 1/25, 9.30arn-11.00am
    Come and meet Ella our OT and have a cuppa and cake.
  • Primary Workshop - 3/2/25, 9.45am-10.45am or 1.30pm-2.30pm
    Making Valentine cards and crafts.
  • Secondary Workshop - 19/2/25, 9.45am-10.45am or 1.30pm-2.30pm
    Eye and hand coordination needed, making diamond art craft.
  • Coffee and Cake Morning - 5/3/25, 9.30am-11:00am
    Coffee and chat with other parents/carers
  • Primary Workshop 20/3/25, 9.45am-10.45am or 1.30pm-2.30pm
    Daffodil and Spring Crafts. Hand prints
  • Secondary Workshop 3/4/25 - 9.45am-10.45am or 1.30pm-2.30pm
    Spring crafts, sticking and cutting skills needed
  • Coffee and Cake Morning/Afternoon 9/4/25, 9.45am-11.00am or 1.15pm-2.30pm
    Coffee and chat with other parents/carers.

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    National Autistic Society Accreditation Logo Early Bird Teen Life Licensed Logo CMYK 1 Dof E Halesbury School Logo Footer Rm Footer Pace Footer Connexions